Investing time in team debriefing improves efficiency over the long term


Teams we work with often worry that debriefing adds time to a busy schedule. It’s a legitimate concern but maybe debriefing can actually enhance team efficiency? Bottom line up front – short term time investments do pay long term dividends in team performance. In one study, implementing a standardized postoperative team debrief led by the surgeon and circulating nurse, observed a 9% decrease in average delay times and a 39% reduction in un-utilized OR time over a year. The best part, it only took 2 minutes. The data was fed to a team which reviewed and actioned on identified issues on a regular basis. This standardized approach not only pinpointed delay causes but also improved resource utilization and team satisfaction—without compromising patient safety.

Operating room efficiency improvement after implementation of a postoperative team assessment

At Advanced Performance we work with high performing teams to customize their debriefing techniques to meet their needs. More doesn’t need to equal more time. Instead, more can translate to more efficient and better performance.


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Debrief the good, the bad, the ugly

Debrief the good, the bad, the ugly

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